The week after Independence Day (July 4, 2021) is National Nude Recreation week. Many people feel too self-conscious to explore the nude lifestyle. However, you might be surprised to find there is an estimated 225,000 naturists/nudists in North America. For many, the experience is freeing and ultimately, a lifetime choice.

Around the country, nudist clubs like Pine Tree are open all week long. Whether your interests are social, relaxation, athletic or just an all-over tan, there’s something for everyone.
According to an American Association for Nude Recreation national survey, people are becoming more comfortable with their bodies and nude recreation. It found that 19% of Americans have skinny-dipped in mixed company, and 18% would consider visiting a clothing-optional resort or nude beach.
In a recent national survey, 12% of adults responded that they consider a resort that offered a nude recreation experience extremely desirable. Compared to only 10% of adults saying the same about a golf vacation, and only 6% saying the same about a tennis vacation, it is easy to see that vacationing at nudist resorts (I.e. nakation) is on the rise in popularity.
So, be adventurous and take a ‘nakation” at your local nudist club. Nude Recreation Week 2021 is a great time to start!