May 7, 2022, is World Naked Gardening Day (WNGD)! People across the globe are encouraged, on the first Saturday of May each year, to tend their portion of the world’s garden unclothed as nature intended.

Why garden naked? First of all, it’s fun! Second only to swimming, gardening is at the top of the list of family-friendly activities people are most ready to consider doing nude. In fact, gardening is one of Pine Tree’s most popular volunteer activities among members.

So what should you do? Find an opportunity to get naked and do some gardening. Do so alone, with friends, with family, with your gardening club, or with any other group collected for that purpose. Do it inside your house, in your back yard, on a hiking trail, at a city park, or on the streets. Stay private, go public or better yet, check out your local nudist club.
Pine Tree’s annual Spring Clean-Up and Gardening Day is normally scheduled to coincide with WNGD. However, this year we’ve had to delay due to rainy weather and other scheduling concerns. We will be doing our part to beautify our small part of the world on May 21, 2022.